December 12, 2011


The other night I had a pot pie for dinner. Besides being one of my favorite things in the world, it also meant I had plenty of cooked vegetables to save for Sushi. Normally I wouldn't feed a rat vegetables straight from a pot pie, considering all the extra calories in the sauce and whatever else is cooked in there, but Sushi is a special case. Plus, I knew she'd love a break from her usual lab block/baby cereal mush.

Sushi assesses her options

Even with softened foods, Sushi is a slow eater. I put Saké on the bed and let her play for a while as Sushi ate.

Selecting a piece of carrot
I saved Sushi two pieces of carrots and a larger piece of broccoli. The carrots were not quite as soft as I would have liked, but she managed to eat most of both pieces. Only the hardest inside parts were left.

Holding onto her carrot.

It astounds me how much Sushi relies on her paws to help her eat. All rats do, but Sushi does much more frequently now since her surgery.

Notice the remains of the first piece of carrot by her foot.

The broccoli was much easier for her to eat, since it was practically falling apart in tenderness.

I think I need to start cooking vegetables for her on a regular basis. We always have fresh vegetables for Saké but other than peas, it is too infrequent that we have something that Sushi can also enjoy.

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