July 17, 2012



We lost our littlest girl tonight.

Sushi was in her tube hanging out and looking content when Dave came home from work tonight; by the time I got home two hours later she had died.

I knew when we started this blog that some day there would be a post like this, but I never thought it would be so soon. She was 21 months old. A youngster. This morning she was so rambunctious that Dave had to help me get her in the cage; every time I put her down she would race up my arm before I could shut the door.

I think this is where this blog ends. Our intent behind the blog was to create a place where you could find information on the reality of caring for a rat with severe dental issues. I think we've accomplished that. We have visitors from over almost 90 countries and judging by the search terms that are getting people here, the posts on Sushi's teeth were worth it. I'm going to leave this blog in place in the hope that it can continue to be that resource for those looking for information, just like we were looking when we brought the girls home in December of 2010.

I don't need to describe how special Sushi was. This blog is evidence of that. As devastated as we are tonight, we're also keenly aware of how lucky we have been. We had no idea what we were getting into when we brought the girls home and I am grateful for every minute of it.


I'd noticed late last week that Saké's face seemed a bit fatter than usual. Saturday night she was napping in a box with her head at just the right angle for me to glimpse what was going on - she had a really long bottom right incisor. We've noticed that as she's gotten older, her teeth don't line up quite as well as they used to. In this case the bottom incisor now was angling just enough to no longer get ground down by the incisor above it.

I figured she would have to wait until we could get her to the vet yesterday, but Dave had other ideas and pulled out a pair of nail clippers. Now, we both have read enough about malocclusion to know that you can trim a rat's tooth in a pinch but I didn't think that meant you actually should. Dave was pretty confident though and a few minutes later, after I finally managed to not only hold Saké still but also open her mouth, the tooth was snipped.

Saké after her trimming

We're keeping an eye on her, but so far she seems to be doing terrifically without that long, sharp tooth!

July 16, 2012

Wash Day

Early last week I noticed that the girls' hammock was wet, due to someone's laziness. I took it out of their cage, threw it in the laundry room, and didn't think much more about it.

Sushi really likes her hammock. It is where she spends most of her time when asleep. Saturday night I found Sushi laying on her wheel, seemingly trying to recreate her hammock experience while her hammock was in the laundry.

Once I realized what was going on, I immediately threw the hammock in the washing machine. Not a minute too soon either, since by the time it was out of the dryer and ready to be placed back in the cage, Sushi was sound asleep.

She woke up while I was hanging the hammock and was curled up in it just seconds afterward.

July 13, 2012


I'd guess Sushi isn't as comfortable as Saké in these pictures.

July 12, 2012

Hanging Around

I know this picture is terrible but I still love it. Sushi was exceptionally annoyed to be woken up.

July 10, 2012


Where there's a tail...

there must be a rat!

(I obviously woke Sushi up when I took the picture - look at that sleepy face!)

July 6, 2012

In Season


We had zucchini and squash with dinner the other night, and Dave cooked them in such a way that they were super tender. Naturally we saved a couple of pieces for the girls.


Sushi doesn't often get fresh vegetables, so she was particularly excited.

Holding on tightly

Sushi would eat the tender inside of each piece and then discard it when just the (slightly tougher) rind was left. Fortunately Saké was not as picky, and she quickly cleaned up Sushi's mess.

Garbage disposal...

July 5, 2012


We have been on vacation the past few days, meaning that the house hasn't been as quiet as normal during the daytime. Saké seems to have found a way to get some peace and quiet.


On the other hand, Sushi didn't seem to mind the extra activity.


July 4, 2012

Explorer Rat

Sushi was in full explorer mode today. She played on the bed while I dealt with laundry and cleaned her cage. Her sister spent the entire time napping in their hammock and had no interest in leaving their cage.

I love seeing Sushi seem more like her normal explorer self. However, this picture makes me incredibly sad:

I'm astounded at how quickly that tumor is growing. It doesn't seem to bother her at this point, although I think she's a little more unbalanced than she was previously.

July 3, 2012

Looking Back

Last year around this time I posted this picture:

I love this picture of Sushi. The past year has had a lot of ups and downs for her. I love how bright her eyes are as she holds onto her piece of Rice Chex.

July 2, 2012

Move Along

There's nothing to see here.

Can't a rat hang out in her tube in peace?

Move along.

(I love these pictures because we can always tell when Sushi has really recovered from being sick - she always starts spending a ton of time in her tube.)

June 29, 2012

Happy Friday!

We talk about Sushi a lot on this blog, for obvious reasons. But since it's Friday, let's also remember that we're also lucky enough to have one very healthy, robust, and sweet rat.


June 28, 2012

Lumpy Sushi

The other sad development with Sushi over the past few weeks is that she has developed not one, but two tumors. One is a relatively slow growing one under right front leg but the other one is behind her left front leg (behind it, but not under it like on the other side). I swear this one on the left grows while you are looking at it, and every day it seems more substantial.

The big pushed out area on the right behind her front leg is a tumor.
So, what are we doing? If she didn't have all her respiratory issues, we'd take her to the vet and see about getting them removed. But with her breathing problems, I'm not sure she can handle anesthetic and frankly, I'm not willing to put her through much more suffering in her life. She has overcome so much and still maintains her sweet, inquisitive, willing nature. Unless this seems to cause her any pain or discomfort (none yet that we can tell), we're just going to let her be.

I hate it though. She is one of the sweetest creatures I've ever met and I hate that she can't seem to catch a break.

June 27, 2012

Dinner Time

Sushi examines her dinner.

We've worked hard over the past few weeks to makes sure that Sushi is eating, despite how sick she has been at times. She is still getting soaked monkey chow every morning and crushed lab blocks mixed with baby cereal each night. However, we've started mixing baby food into her evening mixture, in an effort to give her some variety. Simply adding a couple of spoonfuls of peas or squash really makes a difference - she dives into her food and there is rarely anything left by morning. 

Interested in the camera, but not interested enough to leave her food...

June 26, 2012

An Update on Sushi

Sushi has had a rough couple of months. She is still on ciproflaxin and prednisone twice a day and still has some respiratory issues. Every couple of weeks it seems like she really goes downhill, but then after a few days of staying quiet and mainly just eating and sleeping she bounces back. And when she bounces back, she does it with energy. Every time I find myself thinking that maybe this is enough to put her through, she scrambles to the front of the cage to see me, or dives into her food up to her chest. Even when she's sick, she doesn't seem to lose her appetite for life.

As long as she's still fighting, we'll fight with her.

Sushi takes her medicine.

June 6, 2012


Saké entertained herself this morning by playing in a towel. This picture was taken before she rolled herself up completely like a cocoon.


I also really love Sushi's little worm-like tail on the far right of the picture.

May 31, 2012


It's all in how you look at it.

Today I saw the following picture on The New York Times website:

Naturally I immediately went to the article and was amazed at the strides they are making for rats with spinal issues. I was astounded that paralysis was even a big enough issue in rats that it merited this much research (not to mention space in the NY Times!).

Then I realized that the research was on rats who had been paralyzed surgically and in the long run was only going to benefit humans, not rats. 

The full article is here.

May 29, 2012


Sushi spent a while outside of her cage today. Whereas her sister spent the time buried under a blanket, Sushi was all over the place. She was clearly happy to be out of the cage, even though her breathing was a bit congested.

May 28, 2012


Sushi is feeling better. Her breathing is clearer, her balance is better, and her appetite is back with a vengeance.

May 27, 2012


Sake has spent the last few days alone because Sushi took another downturn. Sake immediately began nesting in her litter tray, going through all sorts of trouble to hide herself from all observers.

May 22, 2012

Making Up For Yesterday...

Dave pointed out to me that yesterday's blog post was depressing. That is true, but I pointed out that the entire situation with Sushi is depressing. However, in an attempt to provide more cheerful fare, we took some adorable pictures of Saké. Sadly, the camera batteries died before I was able to upload the pictures. So instead, I offer an adorable picture of Saké with a piece of banana from May, 2011.


May 21, 2012

An Update

I took a break from blogging last week because there hasn't really been anything good to report. Sushi is hanging in there but she's not great. She still eats like a horse and is her usual affectionate and talkative self. But she's also wobbly, periodically congested, and sleeping a lot.

There isn't a lot that we can do - she certainly isn't suffering. She is still on the antibiotic and prednisone. I hate seeing her like this. But sometimes, like last night, I'll walk by the cage and she'll be sitting in the front watching the world pass by, eyes bright, alert, eager, and aware. I'm grateful she still has those moments. She's a pretty special little rat.

Sushi (from August)

May 11, 2012


I feel like I should have something to say about this, but I'm speechless. More information at the always wonderful Regretsy site.

May 10, 2012


It has been a long week, so I'm recycling a picture from this fall. I'm incredibly jealous of Saké in this picture - right now I'd just like to curl up and watch the world pass by.


May 9, 2012


I think Saké is in desperate need of some quality time. We haven't had a lot of free time lately, yet it's easy to get Sushi out on a regular basis. She is happy to get held and it is easy to grab her out of the cage and tote her around the house while I do other things. On the other hand, Saké hates to be held and really only wants attention if you're going to pet her in the cage or hold her quietly outside. She especially likes to just lay next to me while I read if I pet her lightly. She certainly doesn't want to tour the house on a regular basis like her sister does.

Saké in January

As a result, she spends far too much time inside her cage these days. I'm hoping to rectify that tonight and spend a couple of hours reading while she sacks out asleep next to me.

May 8, 2012


After a week back on her antibiotic and antihistamine, Sushi seems to be holding strong. She still gets stuffed up when she's excited or right after she wakes up, but her appetite and activity level are back to normal. She drove me nuts tonight while I cleaned her cage - she spent the entire time trying to climb out of the cage and onto me.  She's a tough one to get mad at though.


May 3, 2012

Wine Nights

Sushi does love her wine box.


She isn't the only one.

Tomie de Paola might find this familiar...