I have mentioned before how I enjoy watching the interaction between Saké and Penelope. Since the beginning, they have been curious with each other and Saké doesn't hesitate to grab Penn through the bars, etc. Because Penn's fat paws do not fit between the bars of the cage (and because the rats' room is shut when we're not around), I don't worry about her and Saké too much.
On the other hand, there is Marty. Marty doesn't pay much attention to the rats but he's also a cat and has pretty slender paws. I don't like to see him near the rats and until recently, it seemed like they agreed. If Marty is near their cage, Saké used to act a bit agitated and would stay to the back of their cage. I haven't witnessed Marty doing anything but watching them but still, he's a cat.
Then last night, I noticed this:
Marty checking out the rats. |
Before I grabbed the camera, I went to grab Marty, but then I noticed that Saké was not acting upset or agitated by his presence in any way. In fact, she came right to the front to check him out.
Getting a closer look... |
Let's come in for a better view.
Nose to nose. |
But then:
Just what does he think he's doing? |
I still don't trust him.
He's licking his paw to lube it up so that it'll slide through the bars easier. Villain!!