July 22, 2011

Play Time

I love how easily entertained rats are.  Last night I put a couple of big towels and a shoe box on the bed and then spent the next 45 minutes reading while the girls played.

Peeking out....

Sushi's nose

Hanging out in the shoebox.

July 21, 2011

Whatcha Doing?

It isn't always easy to get a few minutes to yourself to read.

Saké checks out the New Yorker.

Who knew rats cared about the Rwandan cycling team?

July 20, 2011

Anti-Social Time

Sometimes even the most social of rats needs to be left alone.

Sushi normally races to see me, but in this instance, she wanted to be left alone.

July 19, 2011

July 18, 2011


It is a rare event when Simon checks out the rats.

Simon and Saké

July 15, 2011

Banana Time is Serious Time

I love how contemplative Saké looks with her banana.

Quietly contemplating her delicious banana.

July 14, 2011

Great Starts

Breakfast *is* the most important meal of the day!

Sushi and her morning cereal.

July 12, 2011

Fun with Corn

We're recently started keeping frozen corn on hand for the girls. We try to give them fresh vegetables as much as possible, but recently realized that keeping frozen food (e.g., corn or peas) is a good way to still make sure they get vegetables when we don't have time to get to the store.

As yesterday's post demonstrated, the girls are no less messier with corn than they are with peas. They also get really excited about it.

Saké initially retired to the nest with each kernel.

This is blurry, because when you're going for a new piece of corn or pea, you have to do it quickly.

Sushi, one kernel at a time.

Saké realized it was more efficient to eat at the bowl, rather than taking food back to the nest.

Then she realized it was even more efficient to just steal from her sister!

July 11, 2011

Give a Man a Fish...

There's that old adage that goes something like, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."

Give two rats a bowl of vegetables, they will make a mess.

July 8, 2011


Sometimes all you need is a comfortable place to hang out.

Sometimes that place is a pair of shorts.


July 7, 2011


Sometimes when you're eating your morning Rice Chex, all you really want is a little quiet time. Sushi is no exception to this.

July 6, 2011

All You Need are Towels

It takes very little to entertain the girls. Last night it was simply a basket of towels.


It's hard to be little when your fat sister sits on you.

Saké's face, Sushi's tail.


Saké has to be the cutest rat of all time. Also, note the pea shells. Cute, but messy.

July 5, 2011

I Choose You

It's tough being a rat. Do you go for a quick tomato or the slower enjoyment of monkey chow?


July 1, 2011

Hello Up There

Sushi makes a poor hat, but that doesn't stop her from hanging out on heads.

Sushi and Dave