July 12, 2011

Fun with Corn

We're recently started keeping frozen corn on hand for the girls. We try to give them fresh vegetables as much as possible, but recently realized that keeping frozen food (e.g., corn or peas) is a good way to still make sure they get vegetables when we don't have time to get to the store.

As yesterday's post demonstrated, the girls are no less messier with corn than they are with peas. They also get really excited about it.

Saké initially retired to the nest with each kernel.

This is blurry, because when you're going for a new piece of corn or pea, you have to do it quickly.

Sushi, one kernel at a time.

Saké realized it was more efficient to eat at the bowl, rather than taking food back to the nest.

Then she realized it was even more efficient to just steal from her sister!

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