September 30, 2011


I read a great article yesterday about training African giant pouched rats to sniff out landmines ( Amazing! The rats are light weight enough that they do not set off the mines, and yet can indicate where the mines are so they can be safely disabled.

It turns out there is an entity called APOPO (, which trains rats for various humanitarian purposes. The African giant pouch rats have a longer life span than domestic rats (6 to 8 years), and are smart, inexpensive to care for, and easily motivated by food. In addition, because their sense of smell is so strong, these rats can even be trained to sniff out tuberculosis!

Image from APOPO

I am continually amazed by how smart Saké and Sushi are, and it is fascinating to know that there are other rats out there using this intellect for a greater good. If you are inclined, APOPO has a variety of ways in which you can support the HeroRAT program at

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