We're really struggling coming up with things that Sushi can eat that provide her any sort of variety in her diet. She's getting what she needs nutritionally from her lab block/baby cereal mixture, but that is a pretty dull thing to eat every single day. We can mix regular cereal (Kix, Cheerios, Apple Jacks) into the mixture and once those pieces soften, she can eat those as well, but that isn't particularly healthy. We can also mix in softer fruits like bananas and blueberries. She also eats soaked pieces of monkey chow. But when she's eating this every day, well, that isn't a lot of variety.
I also have a hard time getting vegetables she can eat. She does okay with softer cooked vegetables but she can't really eat anything fresh except for tomatoes. Even peas are hard for her - she needs help getting the skins opened up but is able to eat the softer insides.
She's gained weight since her surgery and I know that her quality of life is better without her constant vet visits. She isn't reluctant to eat anything, so perhaps I'm just over analyzing this.
Sushi eats a soaked piece of monkey chow. |
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