February 13, 2011

Teeth Trimming Pt. 3

Over the previous days, I have shared pictures of Sushi's most recent trip to the vet, where she had her teeth trimmed for malocclusion. Today we have the final part of the process, when Sushi slowly wakes up from the anesthesia.

Once Sushi's teeth are trimmed, it takes a few minutes for her to wake up.

I hate seeing her like this.

She's given a few seconds of pure oxygen before they remove the tube, which is supposed to help her exhale the anesthesia gas and wake up.

Not quite ready to open her eyes...
Gentle rubbing from the vet helps Sushi wake up.

Once she wakes up, it is as if someone flipped a switch and she is ready to go.

Wide awake but her legs are not working yet.
The tough part of Sushi waking up is that once she's awake, she is ready to move immediately, but her coordination is off. Shortly after the above picture was taken, she ran up the vet's arm, around to her back, and then just about fell to the ground before we could grab her. We have to contain her while she loses her sea legs and returns to normal.

Overall, we ended up spending less than twenty minutes at the vet and by the time Sushi was home, she was ready to eat and test out her newly shortened teeth.

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