March 15, 2012

Sushi's Emergency Vet Visit

Sushi waits for the vet.
We woke up yesterday to Parker incessantly whining while staring at the rat cage. I like to imagine he's Lassie, which is absurd, but the fact is that Sushi was having a really hard time breathing and her gasping noises weren't loud enough to wake us up. Parker's whining was though and we quickly realized what was going on with poor Sushi.

We ended up sticking her in the bathroom with the shower running and the steam helped to improve her breathing temporarily. We then set up a humidifier in the bedroom to make things less dry and called the vet.

I was obviously pretty freaked out but the verdict from the vet wasn't too scary. She has an upper respiratory infection and is now on an antihistamine and antibiotics. The vet thinks we should see improvement pretty quickly but if we don't, she has to go back and have a chest xray. I'm not sure how the logistics of that work.

In good news, she's gained 40 grams since her surgery in October and is now at 298 grams. It looks like her remaining incisors never grew back after they broke off during surgery, which is a relief. Despite the infection, the vet thought her overall health was good.

Hopefully she will be back to being her usual bouncy self soon.

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